Born in Port Huron, Michigan, Marie Gates
earned an M.A. in psychology from Wayne State University. For several years she taught in colleges and universities. Ms. Gates has spent the past thirty years exploring reincarnation. Hypnotic regressions and spiritual healing sessions revealed a number of her past lives. Research confirmed the existence of Rev. Jacob Gruber, the 19th century circuit-riding minister described in Are We Our Past Lives? By sharing her experiences, Ms. Gates hopes to enlighten her readers about reincarnation and how it affects their lives.
Ms. Gates’ previous book, Shadows on My Mind: A Psychologist Explores Reincarnation and PSI,
describes how she first became interested in past lives. As a university instructor, Ms. Gates encountered a student acquainted with a hypnotist who regressed people to their previous lives, and curiosity about a vivid dream led her to him. He uncovered five of her incarnations, including that of the woman in the dream. Under hypnosis,
Ms. Gates gave her name and that of her husband and their city. She was able to verify this life by finding the woman’s daughter. The story is included in the Preface to Are We Our Past Lives? Ms. Gates lives with her husband in southern Michigan.